
Freedom debt relief phone number
Freedom debt relief phone number

freedom debt relief phone number

I had tried “debt consolidation” once before, in my 20s and it was a joke.

freedom debt relief phone number

FDR had great ratings and so many success stories that I decided to look into it. I did some research and found Freedom Debt Relief online. So if you're that person who is overwhelmed and the burden is getting too heavy to carry alone call FDR. I don’t come from a rich family just ordinary people and I didn’t want them knowing I got myself in a pickle. Because I had no one I could borrow money from. I always ask myself, "Do I need it or do I want it." I can’t thank the FDR family enough for all their help and support. You can have a credit card but be responsible. None of those extra interest charges and always pay early. I pay $200 and it will be paid off in 10 months. For example I bought a new washer & dryer on a holiday weekend. Paying the minimum is what will get you in trouble again.

freedom debt relief phone number

I only buy something if it was interest free for 48, 24, 18 months and I always pay over the amount due as it helps knock the bill down faster. I don’t spend more than I can afford when I wanted new furniture or lawnmower.


I have learned how to manage the cards I have. Pick up the phone and start your new life. I would highly recommend them if you're over your head and struggling. They will work with you if you have an issue and they support you and show you where you're at each month. I paid my payment faithfully for 4 years. I am not a bad person so I wrote a letter to each of my creditors and gave them FDR information and it stopped. My accounts had to go to past due status and I started to get those calls which I hated.

Freedom debt relief phone number